An important message regarding Garden park

Dear loved ones in Christ,


After much prayer and consideration, our congregation has reached the decision

to formally close the charter of Garden Park Christian Church.


A meeting held Tuesday, June 18 yielded a 24 - 2 vote in favor of this decision. This comes after many meetings and conversations, and is made with very heavy hearts. God has seen us through 69 years of joys and struggles, service and study, and has done great work by the hands of His Church known as Garden Park. But the time has come for us close our official fellowship, and send God’s servants into other congregations to continue carrying out His mission.


The date for our last worship service is September 29, 2024. The congregation has agreed that remaining funds will be distributed among mission works we have supported, and the elders have also outlined severance packages for the staff. An official ‘end of business’ date will be a few weeks following the last service.


We will always be grateful that you have been part of Garden Park’s legacy.

Thank you for your faithfulness and for using the gifts God has given you to serve Him, 

and to bless this church family.


If you have questions, please, as always, feel free to contact Pastor Steve or one of the elders.


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